
References? They stand behind us. We finish buildings in every detail with superior quality to the very end.

Bohdalecké kvarteto

Site Praha 4
Contractor Ridera Stavební a.s.
Investor JRD Development a.s.
Designer VPÚ DECO Praha, a.s.
Termín realizace 01/2021 – 01/2023
Investment 474,2 mil. Kč
Type of structure Residential house
Characteristics of construction

The subject of the project is the construction of a residential complex characterized by four towers protruding from the shell. The building with 9 above-ground and two underground floors will be built in the shape of the letter L. Its shape will create a barrier between the busy street and the quiet courtyard. The façade of the project will be articulated with a combination of classic insulation and a grouping of ventilated and glazed facades.
In total, the new building will contain 183 residential units and 5 commercial spaces. All entrances to the building will be wheelchair accessible.