Extension of the cemetery in Havířov – Šumbark
Site | Havířov |
Contractor | Ridera Stavební a.s., Dělnická 382/32, 708 00 Ostrava - Poruba Stavbyvedoucí: Ing. Žebera, pan Lubojacký |
Investor | Statutární město Havířov Svornosti 86/2, 736 01 Havířov - Město |
Termín realizace | 07/2016 - 02/2019 |
Investment | 69,2 mil. Kč bez DPH |
Type of structure | Civic amenities building |
Characteristics of construction | The subject of the public contract is the construction of new burial places (216 classical grave places, 1718 urn places and 1152 places in the columbarium), the construction of a new funeral hall and the reconstruction of the city road Hřbitovní. The contract will be implemented in 4 phases. Phase 1 deals with utility relocations and connections. In phase 2, 2/3 of the scope of the new part of the cemetery (new paved areas, utilities) including the funeral hall is addressed. In phase 3, 1/3 of the scope of the new part of the cemetery (new paved areas, utilities) is addressed. In the 4th phase the reconstruction of ul. Hřbitovní including relocation of utilities and storm sewerage. |