
References? They stand behind us. We finish buildings in every detail with superior quality to the very end.

Family houses Stodůlky, Nová Řepora

Site Praha, Stodůlky
Contractor Ridera Stavební a.s.
Investor ED Group, a.s.
Designer Ing. Arch. Pavlík – arch. návrh, PJ atelier – realizační dokumentace
Termín realizace 03/2018-01/2020
Investment 251,9 mil. Kč bez DPH
Type of structure Set of family houses - building for housing
Characteristics of construction

The subject of the contract is the new construction of family houses, including the exterior modifications of the surrounding land, and at the same time the addition of infrastructure (internal service roads) in a location for which we have already implemented a comprehensive infrastructure. The work on the houses will be carried out in 2 phases with an interval of about ½ year.

The contract includes the turnkey implementation of these houses including adjacent landscaping, connections and paved areas, retaining walls and fencing. The houses are of a higher standard, heating will be solved by means of recuperation and tempering of floors with electric heating foils.

A total of 56 terraced houses and semi-detached houses will be built

27 houses will be built in the first stage
29 houses will be built in the 2nd stage

The project is being implemented in the form of DESIGN&BUILD – i.e. the implementation project is the subject of the contract – the houses are specified by the design documentation for the building permit and the required standards.