
References? They stand behind us. We finish buildings in every detail with superior quality to the very end.

Family houses Zahrady Roztoky

Site Roztoky u Prahy
Contractor Ridera Stavební a.s., Divize Praha,
V Korytech 1537/10, Praha 10
Stavbyvedoucí: Jaroslav Buřič
Investor White Hill Zahrady Roztoky s.r.o.
Praha - Řepy, Čistovická 1700/62, PSČ 16300
Designer Straet Architects s.r.o.
Termín realizace 09/2016 - 10/2019
Investment 312 mil. Kč bez DPH
Type of structure Set of family houses and infrastructure
Characteristics of construction

The subject of the contract is the new construction of family houses, including the exterior landscaping of the surrounding land and at the same time the infrastructure (roads, utilities, landscaping), which will be implemented together with our subsidiary Horstav Olomouc, spol. s r.o. The works will be carried out in successive stages over a period of 3 years.

These are two-storey family houses with a masonry load-bearing structure, reinforced concrete monolithic ceilings and a flat roof. The contract includes the turnkey construction of these houses, including securing approval for occupancy. The subject of the contract is also the complex landscaping of the surrounding land, fencing in a combination of reinforced concrete and wood and the implementation of complete infrastructure and utilities.