
References? They stand behind us. We finish buildings in every detail with superior quality to the very end.

Rohan City

Site Praha 8 - Karlín
Investor Sekyra Group
Designer EBM Group
Termín realizace 05/2021 - 01/2024
Investment 381 mil. Kč bez DPH
Type of structure Residential building
Characteristics of construction

In addition to 2 residential towers with 102 apartments and 2 parking basements, the Rohan City contract also includes the construction of a complete infrastructure in the entire area of the affected phase, i.e. utilities, roads, sidewalks, public lighting, substations, etc. The excavation of the construction pit was started in 05/2021 and the construction of the rough construction started in 07/2021. By the end of 2021, the rough construction was at the 3rd floor level, some retaining walls were also constructed and work is fully underway to lay sewer and water mains in the area. Due to the lack of construction of the originally intended office building, which was to acoustically screen the apartment buildings from traffic noise on the adjacent roads, modifications to the design of the apartment buildings have been made (heat recovery, HVAC modifications).