
References? They stand behind us. We finish buildings in every detail with superior quality to the very end.

Výhledová residence

Site Prague 5
Contractor Ridera Stavební a.s., Prague Division, V Korytech 1537/10, Prague 10
site manager: Ing. Milan Trsek
Investor CTR Group a.s.
Designer Architektonický atelier ABV, Ing.arch. Jan Viktorin
Termín realizace 06/2013 – 03/2015
Investment 91 mil. CZK excluding VAT
Type of structure Residential buildings - luxury apartment building
Characteristics of construction

Characteristics of construction

Výhledová residence consists of three terraced villa houses, each with five floors, with modern and functional architecture. Each of the villas hosts only 5 apartments, some of which are designed as maisonettes. Some apartments include garage parking located in the building.

Structurally these are designed as iron-concrete monolithic wall frames with ceramic brickwork infill. Objects are based on foundation slabs in an incline on limestone bedrock. Plasters and screeds are gypsym-based. Facade cladding is a combination of aluminum-glass facades and thermal insulation composite system. Heating of the building is provided only by full electric underfloor heating; the supply includes cooling, intelligent home control, home sauna, etc.

The project is implemented in a very difficult sloping terrain, and interesting feature was the need to perform relocation of the existing sewerage system using mining methods in bedrock, at a depth of more than 10 meters below the existing terrain level. Excavations also took place largely in the bedrock.