About us

We build buildings, which retain their lasting value for decades.

Tradition and a strong background

Ridera Stavební a.s. has been in the construction business for more than sixty years. In 1992 the company was transformed from a state enterprise into a joint stock company. At present, our company is proud to belong to Ridera a.s. group, which, as the majority shareholder strategically combines and control the synergical business activities of all its subsidiaries in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Germany, Poland and Hungary.

Vision and Mission

Why should you choose Ridera Stavební a.s.?

Construction industry is a demanding and special field, which includes the experience and results of work of people of many trades and professions, which have lasting value for many years.

Our business of making the right decisions is determined primarily by the experience. More than 60 years of experience in the construction industry is a guarantee of our professionalism and expertise. We realize that every single detail decides the outcome of our work and the quality of the construction.

We always build as if we built for ourselves.

Quality matters. We know that the quality of construction works requires precise procedure. Construction is not project achievable in multiple attempts. Experience, reliability and security is a matter of course for us. We have the experience, stable facilities, equipment and highly skilled well-coordinated team of people.

Our vision

Our vision is to always act as a quality and reliable partner in all our activities, including construction. Our aim is to create beautiful, high quality and durable construction works.

Our mission

Our mission is to use all available resources, experience and traditions so that we can supply our products and services in the construction industry to our clients always reliably, timely and in the highest possible quality.


Within the policy of integrated quality, environment and occupational health management system we hold the ČSN EN ISO 9001:2009, ČSN ISO 14001:2005 and ČSN OHSAS 18001:2008 certificates, which we regularly defend via recertification audits.

We pay great attention to the education of our employees, as the building production and construction work cannot do without quality and qualified staff. We actively support the system of comprehensive development a personal-labour potential of our employees. We have successfully implemented the project entitled “Training of employees in Ridera Stavební a.s.” supported by a grant from the European Social Fund under the Operational Programme Human Resources and Employment.

Our team

Company management

Prague Division Management

Job Vacancies

Cooperate with us. Currently we are looking for employees at the following job positions:

You did not find a suitable position?

None of the positions fits you, and yet you think you should be working with us? Tell us some information about yourself using the form below and we will contact you.

By sending a response to an advertisement, your CV or your personal data to Ridera Stavební a.s., you grant the company your consent to the processing, collection and storage of personal data within the meaning of the Act no. 101/2000 Coll, on personal data protection. At the same time, you consent to the sending of commercial and job offers from Ridera Stavební a.s. and This approval can be revoked at any time in writing.

You did not find a suitable position?

None of the positions fits you, and yet you think you should be working with us? Tell us some information about yourself using the form below and we will contact you.

    By sending a response to an advertisement, your CV or your personal data to Ridera Stavební a.s., you grant the company your consent to the processing, collection and storage of personal data within the meaning of the Act no. 101/2000 Coll, on personal data protection. At the same time, you consent to the sending of commercial and job offers from Ridera Stavební a.s. and This approval can be revoked at any time in writing.