
References? They stand behind us. We finish buildings in every detail with superior quality to the very end.

Family houses Vinoř – Phase 3

Site Prague 9 - Vinoř
Contractor Ridera Stavební a.s., Divize Praha, V Korytech 1537/10, Praha 10
Investor Moravská stavební - INVEST, a.s.
Designer HW PROJEKT s.r.o. (infrastructure)
D E S Praha, s.r.o. (family houses)
Termín realizace 09/2014 - 09/2016
Investment 114.4 mil. CZK excluding VAT
Type of structure Residential buildings - set of family houses
Characteristics of construction

The job-order consists of two parts:

The first is the implementation of complete infrastructure for future construction of family houses – i.e.. especially earthworks, landscaping and roads on the lands concerned. Infrastructure of utilities will be constructed concurrently – water main, storm and sanitary sewers, public lighting and gas and electric. current distribution systems.

The second part is the construction of a total of 23 family houses (15 houses is phase 1 and newly aditional 18 houses in phase 2), incl. their installation in the terrain, landscaping and paved areas around these buildings.

The supporting structure of all family houses is lined from the walls of ceramic bricks, based on wall footings. The ceiling structures are of SPIROL panels. Facades are made of contact insulation system, windows and doors are plastic. Delivery includes also any indoor plumbing. The source of heat and hot water will be the gas boiler.